I am here in the middle of the garden, Admiring the beauty and the beautiful sight. Everything is so nice, so beautiful and seems just great, It looks as if I am in heaven, But still I am not contended, why am I not jovial?
Because I am all alone here, Sitting on a bench, with a bouquet of flowers in my hand, And sitting with some visions in my eyes. Visions! But which are not clear, which are incomplete, Incomplete! Incomplete they are because of his absence.
He, who hasn’t come to me till now, He, who will come to my life, He, who will love me the most, He, whom I will love the most, He, who will trust me, He, whom I will trust, He, who will understand me, He, whom I will understand, He, who will give me all the exhilaration, He, who will complete my visions by being in them!
The visions unknown, with just the aspiration of becoming known, Known! Known to him and through him, known to the world.
The visions are incomplete, The flowers seem to be incomplete, This heaven is incomplete, I am incomplete, And yes, my life is incomplete. Everything is just so incomplete. It is incomplete without you! So waiting just for you!!!
“What is life if full of care, We have no time to stand and stare!” Is what the call of the day And this, without the slightest hesitation we say. Entangled in a whirlpool of things, Loneliness is what all it brings!
Think of basking in the sun and listening carefully to the birds in the sky, Think of getting rolled up in the waves of the oceans and then holding on with a sigh. Think of flowers everywhere with the spring in the air, While red, autumn leaves, leave the trees so bare. Are these some things that we have forgotten? Gifts of nature, beauty – can they be so easily abandoned? Think of the pleasant smell of soil after the rain shower, And the paper boats set assail by small children and their peer power. Think of two green parrots peeping out of a tree hole, And getting back quickly with a lion’s growl. Think of the seismic river flowing down in the form of a cascade, Down the mountains, onto the plains, joining the sea in different shades.
Think of ships sailing far at the horizon, As you sit and stare from the beech at the morning sun. Think of the tides both low and high, As they struggle to jump up and touch the sky.
Think of the hot – hot sands and oasis their heaven, And think of weary travelers who despite ending up into a mirage enjoy the burning sun. Think of the big sand dunes and think of what could be inside? Even though you know its only sand, let your imagination run wild! Think of snow caped mountain peaks and tops, That glow jade and blue as on them the bright sunlight drops. Think of a dry leaf floating with a gust of wind, If we could fly too, dream on don’t bind your mind! So think on and on from the Dusk to the Dawn!!!
I was walking alone, Alone on the sea side, Thinking about myself, my life. I feel I was waiting for some one, Some one to come and hold my hand, Some one who would say… “Hey! Why are you so upset?? Don’t be, you are not lonely, I’m there with you, and for you always. Trust me just once”; he would say, Then hold my hand and say, “You are right, you are thinking right, I’m that someone whom you were waiting for!!” I was happy and satisfied that finally he is here, But suddenly I realized that I was still thinking, And that there was no one there. He has not come. Broken and shattered I was. So low I was feeling. But then I thought: till when? Till when, will I roam like this? Completely in isolation, Just in a hope and waiting for this hope to come true. When I also knew that only when the right time comes The hope will also come true. I contemplated my walk further and, Did not stop at one spot of that place. This thought stimulated me to move further in life. I have to carry on with my life and not bring my life to a halt. ‘Everything happens at the right time and for the best’; I remembered;
And with dreams in my pocket, which reminds me everytime, that they will come true, I moved on and now I’m still moving.
Today I dream about everything, and proudly say, My dreams will come true. And with this anticipation I will keep dreaming.
Today I can see myself flying free, In a new path, in a new sky, With my own identity along with me!!! And I can also see someone now… It is so great!! I am confident that I’ll do it…
Why is it so typical with us? Why is it that people fuss? We know what is wrong, And we have known it now for long.
But still we do the same, Just like Telgi has made his name, In the stamp-paper scam game, Stop this now it has become too lame!
Lets all be alert and aware, God at least I can no more bear, Bear? Bear the disrespect to women, Not now? Then can anyone say when?
That’s not only typical ‘ME’, But that’s typical ‘WE’. We know what’s happening, But right or wrong without even bothering!
The time has come to charge, Charge us as society at large, Raise our voices against the vices, And for the wrong done pay no prices.
Population, pollution, corruption! To these can we ever find some solution? Now lets try to put an end, And to all let this message be sent:‘Lets break the typical INDIAN PSYCHE’!!!
Life has always demanded this from me, I always lived it like that, Today again it is demanding this from me, And today again I will live it like this. Life has always been demanding “LONELINESS” from me………… I am all - alone in this crowded world!!!
I have always lived alone, I lived my life the way it came to me. I was alone in this world, After traveling for so many years of my life, what do I see? I am still alone in this world. Alone in this crowded world!!!
I was “ALONE” since the time I did not even know the meaning of this simple word, When I started to understand the meaning, I realized what I had been till today, I then knew that I had been lonely since the beginning, so I accepted it now with grace and I know that I am, Alone in the crowded world!!!
I had always been horrified of the word, “ALONE”! Because I never wanted to be, But today it is there always with me, and so I am, Alone in this crowded world!!!
On the contrary, the terror has now gone completely, It has become a part of me, Alone I live my life for myself, I know that at present to live, I have to be alone in this crowded world!!!
I live what is desired from me, I live what is demanded out of me, I live with it, I live, what it defines, I live like it, I live as this word, I live “ALONE”, ALONE, IN THIS CROWDED WORLD!!!
I have lived, I am living, and I will live alone, Because I have always been unaccompanied everywhere, As there was no one and there is no one to accompany me anywhere. Hey! So here I am, lonely! All “ALONE IN THIS CROWDED WORLD!!!”
Today I have become what no one in this world would like to even think of to be, I am emotionless, a stonehearted creature. To me now it does not matter whether there is someone to accompany me on the rugged paths of life or not.
I have learnt to live alone; I am alone, but so what? I can walk on my own on all spheres of life, I am unmoved by loneliness just because of the simple reason that it has always been a part of me. I am untouched by emotions, But it should not worry you, because I am happy! I am happy being what I am, I am happy in living alone. I am happy in beginning to live: “Alone in this crowded world!!!”
I was happy and gay, When I took birth one fine day. I grew up with my full stride, And was attached to my tree with pride.
But one day, I noticed I had bronchitis, And my cousins had conjunctivitis. All because of the deadly pollution, For which we can never have any solution.
No one…no one came on my back to rest, Which once, they found was the best. My color changed from green to black, Again because of this deadly smoke, Which pinned into my vein lets like a fork.
One day, you will find me in a garbage stack, As I feel, there’s something I lack. Yes, yes the green color, Which everybody has, even my neighbor.
Since I have no fame, thus, Like thousands I will leave no name….!!!!